解决了Ubuntu 14.04中tar 1.27的错误
Ubuntu 14.04最新的tar版本是1.27.1: tar –version tar (GNU tar) 1.27.1 但编译Yocto(由Altera提供:http://downl...
Ubuntu 14.04最新的tar版本是1.27.1: tar –version tar (GNU tar) 1.27.1 但编译Yocto(由Altera提供:http://downl...
Question: What’s the default root password and how to change password or disable for MDM produ...
Multi-PD support enables the MPSS and Audio PD to be run on the same Hexagon processor. A process do...
配置: git config –global http.sslverify false git config core.filemode false //忽略文件权限变更 分支操作:...
Cold boot APPS PBL → SBL1 → QTEE → SBL1 → RPM_FW → APPSBL §SBL1 does all setup and initialization in...
1.安装高通必要的烧写工具,诸如QPST, QDART等 2.让设备进入9008 3.将助流镜像放置需要回读固件的目录下,执行如下命令 QSaharaServer.exe -p \\.\COM13 -...